I had a great experience at Pennsic. I taught a class that went well, I did some great networking with other glass artists, vaguely assisted in teaching two other classes, and learned a great deal from talking shop with another glass painter. I've come home and I believe I've finally found a period formula for silver stain. I've also decided to try the depth challenge for A&S50. It's about two years away, but the big event is being held just a couple of hours away. My challenge will be 50 displays of stained glass heraldry. I need to average one every two weeks in order to get 50 done before May 1st 2015.
Fortunately this jives well with my goal to fabricate the devices of all 19 Baronies in the Midrealm. If I then include the Kingdom arms, that's 20. I need to find 30 other devices. Fortunately I also had a small jump start there. I had been working on three "plaquettes" featuring three devices as demonstration pieces for my Pennsic class. The green flashed layer is thicker than what I've worked with in the past, so it hasn't come off yet. Once it does, I intend to paint and stain these three items for inclusion in my 50 submissions.
The three blank escutcheons, cut out:
The House Shadowdragon badge, to see how it goes. This will probably be given to the heads of that house, SCA family of mine, but I have a better idea for making this using a matte. One of these will likely go into the project as well. This one has not yet been fired or stained:
The three plaquettes (with masks prepared) and the devices they will become:
Update, 8/26/14:
A picture of the completed arms of Eadric the Smith, as well as the House Shadowdragon tile. Kindly forgive my dirty lightbox, which makes these appear more smudged than they are.
Eadric's plaquette was painted freehand, without tracing.
Some in-progress shots:
There is an interesting comparison to be made in this piece. The "top left" abraded (white) portion was sandblasted, until I did something wrong and jammed up my sandblasting equipment. The other three are mechanically abraded with a long tip that lets me do broader stripes. You can still see a difference.
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